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Using CorEats Pancake & Waffle Mix


Let’s face it, we can all use some easy deliciousness in our lives from time to time! Am I right?


Crèpes are SUCH a fun and easy way to recreate your Pancake & Waffle Mix. They are also an excellent way to use up any of those extra berries you may have purchased that need to be used, rather than wasted! Follow these easy instructions to make the magic happen!


1 CorEats Pancake & Waffle Mix

1 ½ cups unsweetened Milk 

3 eggs

¼ cup butter, melted (or your favorite oil. Soy free Earth balance is a nice choice)

1 tsp vanilla



-Whisk all ingredients together in a medium sized bowl, until well combined.

-Pour onto a heated and oiled griddle, 1/3 cup at a time. Roll your pan from side to side to thin the batter and shape.

-Cook over medium heat until the batter starts to bubble and loses its shine.

-Flip to finish cooking through and to lightly brown.




Add your favorite toppings. The options are literally ENDLESS:

Almond butter



Raw Honey (local is best)

Powdered sweetener (linked below)

Coconut Whip

Chocolate Chips

Maple Syrup


Add some savory fillings like HAM & CHEESE!








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