Pumpkin Bread & Muffin Mix Is BACK! Grab Your Seasonal Favorite Now!

Chocolate Zucchini Cake or Muffins

using CorEats Chocolate Cupcake Mix

 The garden season brings SO many joys!! Those joys can also bring us bushels of overwhelm, as we become buried under the surplus. I don’t think this could be MORE true than with zucchini!

As holds true with CorEats, we've got you covered! In fact, imagine everything chocolate covered, and suddenly the possibilities become endless! Yes, EVEN with zucchini!

This recipe is SO moist, so decadently rich in all the best ways, that you would be wise to shred your zucchini surplus, pre-measure, and pop it into freezer bags for a quick, cold-weather grab. Trust me, you will want that shredded gold on hand all year round! Enjoy this bushel of decadence as a cake, or easily transform it into quick grab muffins!


For a fun variation, mix your combined choice of walnuts, pecans, sliced almonds, and/or chocolate chips, toss with sugar and cinnamon, and suddenly you have a new Fall tradition! Enjoy!



Chocolate Zucchini Cake
makes one 8" cake, or 12 muffins

1 CorEats Chocolate Cupcake Mix

1 ½ C Freshly shredded & drained zucchini

½ C milk

2 eggs *click here for vegan option

1 Tbsp oil

1 tsp Vanilla




½ C Chocolate chips

1/3 C walnuts or pecans



1. Preheat your oven to 350°

2. Prepare zucchini by cutting off ends, removing seeds on larger zucchinis (this step can be skipped with small zucchinis), and shredding with a cheese grater. Set aside to drain in a colander. Before adding to batter, you may wish to gently press down on shredded zucchini to remove any excess liquid.

3. Grease a 8”x8” baking dish, or 8” spring form cake pan and line with parchment paper. Click here for video reference. Alternately, prepare a 12 count muffin tin with paper liners

4. Whisk milk, eggs (or egg replacer), oil, and vanilla in a medium bowl. Stir in the shredded zucchini.

5. Add dry mix and combine well.

6. Pour batter into the prepared baking pan or muffin tin.

7. If using, sprinkle with chocolate chips and walnuts, reserving a few Tbsp. of chocolate chips to freshly sprinkle on cake after it comes out of the oven.

8. For a cake bake for 35 minutes or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean. For muffins, bake for 18-20 minutes or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.

9. Remove from oven. If desired, sprinkle with fresh chocolate chips (while warm) for presentation. They will soften, but they wont loose shape and will appear lighter that the baked chips, giving your muffins a depth of color!

9. Cool for 10-15 minutes.

10. Enjoy!




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